
The Medical

The Link Between ADHD and Low Estrogen 7 min read

The Link Between ADHD and Low Estrogen

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and can include hyperactivity (ADHD) is a form of neurodiversity represented by differences in neurotransmitter chemistries.  These neurological variations are to be recognized and respected as we would any other human difference. 

Mood, Anxiety & Depression 7 min read

Mood, Anxiety & Depression

Emotional well-being and mental health is just as important as any other aspect of health.   However, women after 40 report higher rates of irritability, anxiety, depression and inability to concentrate.  

Breast Tenderness: How Iodine Keeps Breasts Healthy 7 min read

Breast Tenderness: How Iodine Keeps Breasts Healthy

Fibrocystic breast disease is a very common – it is when there are lumps, pain, and changes in breast tissue.  It is non-cancerous, but it can still cause discomfort and anxiety and raise women’s concerns about the health of their breasts.  

Debunking the Myth That Estradiol Causes Weight Gain 7 min read

Debunking the Myth That Estradiol Causes Weight Gain

Is there a stubborn muffin top that seems to have appeared out of nowhere since hitting menopause. Its frustrating right? Let’s take a moment to see why this is happening and why taking hormone replacement therapy won’t make it worse.

GLP-1 and Estrogen: A Synergistic Path to Metabolic Health 7 min read

GLP-1 and Estrogen: A Synergistic Path to Metabolic Health

Metabolic health is more than just what the scale says — it means you are healthy and balanced on the inside.  It is possible to reprogram and even reset your metabolic system and it doesn’t work to just restrict calories and exercise.

How to Achieve Healthy and Hydrated Skin Naturally 7 min read

How to Achieve Healthy and Hydrated Skin Naturally

Lets talk about what gives skin that youthful, hydrated appearance — hyaluronic acid (HA).  It attracts and retains moisture, contributing to the skin’s hydration, plumpness and elasticity.  It helps maintain skin hydration by binding to water molecules. 

Sexual Dysfunction in Women: What about Testosterone? 7 min read

Sexual Dysfunction in Women: What about Testosterone?

When women complain of sexual dysfunction — they are prescribed anti-depressants, supplements, vaginal lubrications, or simply dismissed.  Despite the evidence in the research literature that estrogen is a very effective therapy for sexual dysfunction for women

How Inner Balance Can Help You Get Back on Top — of Your Sex Drive 7 min read

How Inner Balance Can Help You Get Back on Top — of Your Sex Drive

Just because you are getting older doesn’t mean your sex life shouldn’t have to come to a screeching halt.  As you approach 40, your reproductive cycle slows down and prepares to stop and your ovaries make less estrogen and progesterone. When this happens you may find it challenging to get aroused and excited about sex.  

Lesser Known Symptoms of Low Estrogen and Progesterone 7 min read

Lesser Known Symptoms of Low Estrogen and Progesterone

Don’t wait until you have hot flashes, or your period to stop before you consider hormones as a cause of your symptoms. Women start to experience health problems when estrogen gets below 500 pg/mL. 

Low Estrogen and Progesterone: What You Need to Know 7 min read

Low Estrogen and Progesterone: What You Need to Know

As we approach our fabulous 40s and beyond, our bodies go through some changes that can bring about a rollercoaster of symptoms. 

Estrogen is Better than Botox 7 min read

Estrogen is Better than Botox

The world of injectables is vast — some are labeled and referred to as neuromodulators (Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin). In reality, a neuromodulator is a neurotoxin


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